The Battle within.

I’m in the middle of the ocean. Surround by nothing but water, I am seemingly alone. Behind me , there is land. but its one I already know the one I left behind to venture into newer territory. the land behind me hold all my old beliefs .my old habits and my old life. IContinue reading “The Battle within.”

Action Vs Stillness

I come forth today to discuss two energies that we allow to be in constant battle within us(or at least I’ve allowed). as the title clearly states the topic of today is Action versus Stillness. I dare not say that all things are easy, but from observing consistently my daily actions and the actions ofContinue reading “Action Vs Stillness”

This past year

It has been a little over a year since my last post.. the past year has been like a roller coaster of emotions that seem to never go away and still sneaks in to bust me at the most inconvenient time. At least that is what I would tell myself especially when I have putContinue reading “This past year”

Time and Time, Again

It is easy to fall back into old habits, patterns that have held you in a state of stasis for so long. These places often traveled hold something dear to us. They offer comfort , warmth and a space of familiarity when all around us feels cold and may seem so out of reach.There isContinue reading “Time and Time, Again”

Now is the time

As this is my first post, I want to make it quick, sweet and nourishing.  It came to me that while many of us are falling or being kept sill by the dense and divisive energies that may be around us. It is imperative to keep in mind our power , our strength which isContinue reading “Now is the time”